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For more than a year, we’ve been at a terrifying crossroad between emotional, psychological, and physical well-being.

From the health impacts of COVID-19 to its effects of self and social isolation, disconnection from family and friends, and lockdowns, we’ve had to tackle hopelessness, anxiety and depression like never before.

And as if we needed one more thing added to that equation, we are now faced with the aftermath of the eruption of La Soufriere, with no end in sight.

So is it time for a collective mental check-up?

The truth is, this rollercoaster of emotions has been an overwhelmingly wild ride. And the only way to get through it is to confront them all. Don’t ignore them.

Share openly with a family member, friend, or a professional if warranted.

If you need help , don’t be ashamed to ask.

Create space for yourself to think, relax, and just be.

Let me repeat that: think, relax, and just be.

I’d love to hear about the impact this year has had on your emotional well-being and how we can help you find calm and reset.

“What mental health needs is more sunlight , more candor and more unashamed conversation”, said Glen Close.

I completely agree.

Be well, friends.