What if we lived well and loved well. What if we actively pursued wellness?
Wellness means the state of being in good health, especially as an actively pursued goal.
I don’t know about you guys but I’m constantly in pursuit of wellness. That state of being in good health can be elusive to many. It doesn’t involve deprivation but moderation in all things.
I’ve committed to eating clean, exercising ( not like a maniac) and engaging in activities that feed and nourish my soul.
Have you noticed how there seemed to be a not so subtle reset of our earth ?? Crystal clear waters in our oceans with beautiful fish coming a little too close for comfort, bright starry skies at night, where you can identify the Big Dipper and Little Dipper, picturesque sunsets and birds that you’d never seen or heard before. Our earth got the opportunity to breathe again, no longer struggling for air from the constant abuse.
What if we followed suit and re-calibrated our lives as we know it. Took a break from the constant abuse of radiation from our phones and computers . A break from the constant noise bombarding our brains everyday. What if we paid attention to the silent screams of our weary bodies begging for a reprieve.
What if we kept silent, just long enough to hear what our bodies were really craving.
PURE- (Clean eating), SIMPLE- (Uncomplicated living), GOODNESS- (the ability to enjoy the gifts we’ve been given)
What if we took early morning walks when the air was still unpolluted ,made time to take long swims on the weekend, or packed a picnic for our families, had zoom calls with girlfriends over coffee and laughed till our stomachs ached.
What if we slowed down, for a moment, to love ourselves and be good to ourselves and what if we took a long look at ourselves in the mirror and decided to be good human beings who were kinder to each other.
What if we lived well and loved well. What if we actively pursued wellness?
What if……… ?
I’d love to hear your thoughts.